
Infini & LaseMD

What is INFINI?

INFINIskin treatments provide unparalleled outcomes with High Intensity Focused RF(Radio-frequency) technology, delivering thermal energy deep into the dermis to stimulate collagen production for impressive results. Achieve the youthful skin you desire, without the surgical downtime.

Get the INFINI You Want

•Fine Lines and Wrinkles
•Tone and Textural Changes
•Scars and Acne Scarring
•Sagging Skin
•Overall Skin Rejuvunation

"My jawline and midface have improved dramatically and I am extremely happy with my results!" - Infini Patient

How an INFINI Treatment Works

Infini uses your body's own reaction to firm the skin by delivering energy directly to the dermis through gold- plated microneedles. This unique and innovative technology protects the top layer of the skin, therefore allowing treatments on all skin types, even tanned skin.
When the energy is delivered, it stimulates the natural growth of collagen and elastin.


Is there any downtime?
While there will be some visible redness after the treatment, you will be able to resume your normal activities.

Is there any pain?
Pain is minimized with numbing cream and numbing injections.

How many treatments will I need?
2-4 treatments are recommended depending upon your treatment goals.


Patients with pacemakers or metal allergies cannot be treated with Infini.

What is LaseMD?

LaseMD is a non-ablative laser that resurfaces the skin, giving it a brighter skin tone and improved texture. LaseMD GLO treatments can be customized for your particular needs and schedule.

Benefits of LaseMD GLO

•Age Spots
•Sun Spots
•Pigment Reduction
•Actinic Keratosis
•Treats mild to moderate sun damage
•Decollete care

What to Expect During Your Treatment

You will have numbing cream prior to your session.

You will feel some heat and tingling as the laser is passed over the skin. The number of passes and procedure time will depend on the depth of the treatment, lasting anywhere from 6-20 minutes.

You will experience some redness immediately after receiving the treatment. The redness should subside by the following day, when you can apply makeup. You will see optimal results within 2-5 days, but healing time can last anywhere from 1-6 days, depending on the depth of treatment. Check with your physician on the treatment that is right for you.


Is there any downtime?
While there will be some visible redness after the treatment, you will be able to resume your normal activities.

Is there any pain?
For mild treatments, the discomfort is very minimal. For more aggressive treatments, numbing cream is applied for patient comfort.

How many treatments will I need?
Monthly treatments are recommended. Your physician will work with you to find the best treatment regimen based on results you are trying to achieve.